Thursday, May 16, 2013


There is art in everything. From my friend the painter to my wife the gardner to a chef in a kitchen. Each can make something beautiful out of plane items. 

Are you an artist?  What can you do?

I always dreamed of being a writer and making my living writing novels making enough money to live off in the woods. They I got married (a good thing) and got a dog (also a good thing) and now I have 4 kids (a great thing). 

But I still long to be a writer. Every year I sign up for NaNoWriMo and at least start a new novel. Even got to the 50,000 word mark on 3 of the 6 years. And I write this blog although I don't write this blog more than I actually write it. 

But I am an artist. I do the Que as they say. Or BBQ. Or the master of smoke (sounds more like my college nickname). But that is what I do and I must say I am pretty darn good!

Saturday, May 11, 2013


It appears as if the invasion was called off. The aliens must have seen the vigilant planning we were putting in place (ie loading our guns and pre-impregnating our women folk).

Our flag has never seemed so glorious as when I woke this morning to find that the aliens had not invaded. 

God bless our guns as well as our freedom!

Friday, May 10, 2013


They are coming!  I just saw this through my mega-zoom big lots telescope. We only have a matter of hours before the invasion occurs. Kiss your loved ones and load your guns. The time of reckoning is upon us!

We know the government will not protect us and Hollywood has proven to us over the years that these creatures do not come in peace ... They come to enslave us and drain us of our water and then impregnate our women folk. 


I like my water and no one is going to enslave me!!!!!!


Below are my tattoo's.  each has a specific meaning to me.  Do you have one?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Baby Possum

What would you think your day was going to end up like if it started with your dog cornering a baby possum in the back yard and then the baby pooping on the floor?