Saturday, January 28, 2012

The END is near!

And another blasphemous day of rantings and ravings of the politicians in this country.  One blow hard believes that we need to put 30,000 people on the moon and then they can be our 51st state?  Really? (GGGRRRRRRRR)  I think we have a 51st state of America already out there.  The one percent is the 51st state.  They buy and sell the other 50 states like they are bubble gum cards.

What we fail to realize is that we live in a far better place than the rest of the world.  We shouldn't believe empty promises from politicians who want to solve everything for us.  They can get us a job or feed our families.  We as a country need to get off our collective fat asses and make a difference.  Want a job then go fucking get one.  Can't find one then start a business.  Every day spent sitting on your ass watching FOX/News (what a joke) is another day you have given up your freedom and spirit of being an American.

You want zero percent same as cash ... then save up your money and buy it with cash.  Otherwise your just another chump.

Rise up off the couch!

Rise up and think for yourself!

Rise up and do for yourself!

RISE UP!!!!!!!!

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